A Place Between Death and Rebirth (Sirius, Canopic Jars, Faience Hippo, Ishtar Gate, and a Sound Box), 24x30 inches, oil on linen, 2013.
Dream of Primeval Waters (Sobek-re, Marduk, and Ba), 62 x74 inches, oil on linen, 2013.
Fertility, Strength, Knowledge (Apis Bull, Thoth, and Apkallu in Dilmun) ,40 x52 inches, oil on linen, 2013.
Lamastu and An, 20 x20 inches, oil on canvas on panel, 2013.
Serpent of Chaos and Destruction in Battle with the Sun God (Apophis and Re), 17 x28 inches, oil on canvas collaged on silk, 2013.
Creation: Sphinx with Pyramids Over Primeval Waters, 17 x28 inches, oil on canvas collaged on silk, 2013.
Installation view 1
Installation view 2
Installation view 3
Installation view 4
Installation view 5